“Into each life some rain will fall.”
During their life time everyone will be faced with a loss, of some kind, that may consume their thoughts. It is normal to experience pain associated with that loss. Some forms of grief and loss include:
- Loss of a loved one through death or alienation
- Loss of a job
- Loss of a dream or ideal of the future
- Loss of a home, through natural disaster or financial difficult
- Loss of health due to illness or aging
- Loss of a pet
- Loss of faith or a religious crisis
This is a place that you can come to be assisted, in a safe environment, to express your loss. You will be accompanied on your journey to work through your losses and to help you understand the grieving process. You will gain insight that will normalize your feelings and the associated pain that accompanies that loss.
Lynne Hanby will offers a safe approach to develop new skills as you move through the grieving process. You will begin to understand that you are okay and your feelings are normal, even as they are painful. You will not be alone on your journey as you move toward feeling whole again.
At Linda Hanby Family Therapy we aim to help both adolescent and adults by providing an avenue for a healthy resolution.